marți, 31 august 2010


The plot for this film does not need to be explained. It's basically a pastiche of The Italian Job, True Romance and melodramatic clichés.

The third element in the blender, mentioned above, along with a script short on genuine character development (You'll sometimes forget that Hayden Christensen and Zoe Saldana are in it) are distracting for a film which develops a serious tone, but there are positives, depending on your genre preferences.

The film moves along briskly, even as we deal with a cringe-worthy first half, and when the actual robbery gets going, the fun starts. Though the cinematography is modeled too much off of the Bourne-style shaky cam, the set pieces are still very well pulled off.

The extended car chases and shootouts contain a level of energy and suspense that really makes them standout, comparable to similar scenes in the above mentioned films, along with an on-foot chase clearly modeling itself off of the Madagascar chase in Casino Royale. Every car whizzing by, bone crunch or gunshot affects the audience due to mostly- proper use of slow motion, and great editing, both sound and film wise.

The melodrama may make some engaged viewers start laughing due to how it's put on screen, but as the stakes get higher, gels with the storyline.

The main cast, considering the material they are given, do the best they can, and their charisma is enough for us to care about them when the stakes get REALLY high, particularly in the case of Matt Dillon and Idris Elba.

It's highly unoriginal and contains several other elements worthy of nitpicking, but after evaluating how I had spent the past 107 minutes of my life, I think it got the job done.

25 de comentarii:

  1. well done, I'm definitely going to watch this one! xoxo

  2. thats one well written review, you always give imformation, how you feel about the movie, i think i should add that those reviews from me too


  3. fo sure i got time for FC :)
    i want to see the movie :)

  4. Hmmm.... Might be a DVD movie for me

  5. I didn't like this movie. Your review pretty much summed it up

  6. Watched it, mixxed feelings about it yea.

  7. I love these kind of movies, Ill be sure to watch it when it comes out in dvd.

  8. Detailed movie reviews, keep up the good work!

  9. poopin' da shit outta this blowq!

    puuupi :*

  10. I think I'll give it a while, test your reviewQ

  11. id rather see The Town then this.... i dont think this movie will be any good since it has a bunch of rappers in it, they arent actors!

  12. thanks for the hint. i'll watch it soon. i guess i'm supporting you. you can do the same. follow me at:

  13. Looks like an amazing movie. I wanna see it. Love?

  14. great movie, well worth the time to see. Showing love, hit me back

  15. This movie hasn't really caught my attention. I think it has to do with the cast.

  16. Wow thanks! and to think I was going to go watch that.. haha

  17. Good insight to the movie. I was concerned it would be another one of those, "badass robbery grand scheme" type plots.

    Incredible review good sir!

  18. thank god you didnt leave any spoilers.. lol
